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About us

Guided Tours Guernsey (GTG) was established in 1990 by Burt and Mia in St Peter Port the capital of the Island of Guernsey. They had noticed that there were a growing number of continental school parties visiting the town and other tourist attractions in the channel. These visits take place throughout the year with the exception of August when few visits take place.



Most visitors were on day trips from nearby continental schools.

Typically the school groups seemed to be visiting the same few places at the same time each day creating a lot of congestion and problems with large numbers of foreign students all in one place at the same time.

GTG offer a route planning and visit booking service so that visiting school parties can have a well-planned visit with less risk of congestion at main attractions.



Over the years this service has expanded into also offering recommendations for overnight stays and then into an agency providing hosts for 2 or 3 night stays in the local area.

The latest expansion of the company is into providing customised travel services for English Schools and Colleges planning 1 to 3 days visits to Guernsey.

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